About Us
Cut Me a Branch…
...and let me plant it in this new land, this land I call home. Home is where I will establish roots so that I may bear much fruit and help build Home.
Cut Me a Branch is a metaphor for the family tree. As ethnic minorities, we are like a branch from our family tree. A branch found in nature can be cut from a tree to grow a whole new tree through a method called propagation. In essence, we ethnic minorities are like branches from our family tree where we are taking root in this new land. As a branch properly propagated, we are then able to establish roots and grow into a beautiful tree. However, if the branch is not taken care of properly, then the branch could wither and never prosper into that tree.
The American Dream lives on as long as you still want to chase the dream. Don't let critics prevent you from achieving your dream. It takes hard work, determination, sacrifice and some luck (luck is when preparation and opportunity meet), but it can still achieved. We hope you get to live your American Dream.
More countries for all ethnic minorities and immigrants will be available. If your country is not on here yet, it will be coming soon! You can also make a request to expedite your countries design by sending an email to cutmeabranch@gmail.com. We want everyone who is proud to call America home to be able to show their love for home and will work to make it a reality. Thank you for your patience.
All designs are done proudly here in the US. When shipping within the US, all printing and embroidering is done in the US as well. Except for products that says 'Made in the USA', all products are sourced from other countries and will be labeled as such on the label. Although limited, we have certain products that are Made in the USA and we will work to include more products that are specifically made here.